dota 2 hero build – Shadow Fiend

As another week passed, another post makes its way to you.

On this series of posts you’ll get as many hero builds as you wish.

I invite you to try my personal preferences and see if they fit you and your playstyle:

This week, Shadow Fiend!

This hero has huge potential and, if played accordingly, it can unleash hell on foes.

Let’s get right to it:

Shadow Fiend  is an agility hero pertaining to the dire side. Shadow Fiend in two words: glass canon.

The glass canon term describes this hero the best since it has a very low health pool but hits like a truck.

Shadow Fiends’ stats:

Health (lvl 1): 435 Movespeed: 305
Mana (lvl 1): 234 Base Atck. Time: 1.7
Damage: 35-41 Missile Speed: 1200
Atck. Range: 500 Attack Anim.: 0.5 +0.54
Atck. Speed: 1.43s Cast Anim.: 0.67 +0.4
Armor: 1.8 Sight Range: 1800 800





This is a very powerful skill that empowers Shadow Fiend in the early game since it can deal 900 damage at full level.  In the mid/late game this skill scales pretty decent compared to other nukes but you should pack quite a punch with your right click by then.

Shadowraze consists in three separate abilities that can be used at different distances (get used to this skill in practice sessions so you won’t get flamed in pubs/pro games).



This ability is a passive one which comes in aid if you’re not that good of a last hitter(just kidding.It helps, though!).

Necromastery provides the ‘black powder’ to your canon as it stores 2 damage per killed unit (including denied ones!) and 12 for enemy heroes… note that it has a limit of 36 units (72 damage).

Presence of the Dark Lord:

presence of the dark lord

The passive skill that considerably  reduces the armor of any foe (excluding buildings). It goes whitout saying that you’ll need this skill against bulkier enemies in order to cut them open like a hot knife through butter.

Requiem of Souls:

dota 2 hero build

If the first three abilities didn’t impress you, this one will.

This makes you the biggest, baddest mofo in town 🙂 by unleashing all of the spirits you have captured in Necromastery, while severely damaging the enemy units, slowing their attack speed and their damage. All alongside an awesome animation time of 1 second.

Shadow Fiend builds:

You can build a hero like Shadow Fiend in two simplified ways:

1. The “Glass canon” build:

Hero build – Necromastery – maxed followed by the Presence of the Dark Lord and stats (you can choose for Requiem at level 9 – 11 -16).

Item build – you can go phase boots for extra damage early on, followed by Medalion/Desolator + Daedalus (you can proc some deadly critical hits by doing so).  My favourite Shadow Fiend build combines the damage you get from the items mentioned above with the extra attack speed that Mask of Madness provides.

(I know what are you all thinking about MoM and – armor stacking, but here’s a hint:

if you put MoM in your inventory before you put the Desolator, then you get the lifesteal and just the extra damage the Desolator gives. But if you put the Desolator first, then you get the minus armor from the Desolator and the 100% extra attack speed from the MoM)

2. The defensive carry hero build is soon to follow, stay tuned fellas!